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Yeti Out 和香港本地复古游戏组织 RETRO.HK 近日联合推出了 “BRICK CITY” - 一个庆祝电子游戏对地下音乐文化深刻影响的快闪活动;将我们的 Belowground 空间摇身一变为90年代复古游戏厅 ‘AV Belowground’!

在接下来一个月的时间内,我们将在此空间中展示全球最大的90年代游戏收藏之一,从街头霸王 & 经典任天堂主机,到各种人偶模型收藏和众多的复古游戏主机;同时,现场还会播放2014年由红牛音乐学院拍摄的,讲述日本电子游戏音乐的系列纪录片 Diggin' In The Carts

Exploring retro game culture and its presence in musical subcultures, AV BELOWGROUND will be a month-long pop-up curated by Retro.HK and Yeti Out, showcasing one of Hong Kong’s biggest '90s game memorabilia from Street Fighter & classic SNES consoles, to figures from First4Figures, RBMA “Digging in the Carts” screening and a corner dedicated game music's influence on UK grime.

Retro.HK is a non-profit society formed by a team of volunteers, with decades of retro gaming experience, striving to preserve the history of video games. Since 2015, all of its gaming expos are free events dedicated to educating the public about video games as a culture and inspiration towards future technological innovations.

AV BELOWGROUND is a collaboration between Yeti Out & Retro.HK exploring music and technology in retro game culture.

我们还布置了以上这一角落,专门讲述复古游戏是如何 (意外) 塑造了早期 Grime 音乐的;如果你觉得 Wiley 的 Eskimo 是最早的Grime伴奏,那你一定需要知道下面这个故事。这段来自1994年电子游戏 - 金刚狼: 安达曼庭的愤怒 当中的最终关卡配乐,可能才是世界上最早的 Grime 伴奏;包含了短促的和弦,后来 Wiley 的 Eski Beats 中必备的哔哔声,和粗粝且强劲的低音。

这段伴奏的创作者是来自 Jungle 组合 Rude & Deadly 的制作人 Dylan Beale;这个伴奏的诞生日期,早于现已所知的 Grime 诞生日期近八年;一切都离不开电子游戏的助推!

Pictured above is the corner dedicated to gaming culture's influence on the UK grime sound.

The final soundtrack from the 90s video game Wolverine: Adamantium Rage is probably the world's earliest grime instrumental; written by Dylan Beale, producer of Jungle group Rude & Deadly, it's made up of short chords, Wiley's eski bleeps, and a powerful bass.


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