Robbie Lowe在过去二十多年间早已成为澳大利亚最优秀并且最具影响力的 DJ 之一,他不受主流音乐潮流影响并忠于自我品味与判断的坚持,使得 Robbie 成为 House 音乐领域最顶尖的音乐人之一。作为悉尼最著名的聚乐部 Spics 的驻场 DJ同时,他也是 Reckless Republic 团队核心成员。不论是在澳大利亚当地还是全球范围内,Robbie 的每个 DJ SET 都能成为他获得无数同行音乐人和粉丝的赞誉,其中不乏 James Zabiela 这样的名人。
Robbie Lowe is undeniably one of Australia’s finest and most influential DJs. For the past two decades, Robbie’s mission has been clear – to play and advocate quality house music. Most importantly, Robbie always stays true to what he loves, and is ideally consistent in the strength of his selections. His strain of electronic music is superior and non-commercial, placing him at the top of the game. Having toured the world and played warm-up sets for some of the world’s most respected underground artists, Robbie is truly a house force to be reckoned with. Today, Robbie is a resident DJ at Sydney’s Spice, where he holds his own Reckless Republic events. Robbie Lowe is considered world-class by his fans and by his peers alike (James Zabiela, to name a big one), and maintains his presence as one of Australia’s best in the world of electronic music.

对上海的印象? Culture, experience, and adventure!
悉尼怎么样? My humble home (that I love.)
One place that inspired your music?
给予你音乐启发的地方? My mum’s record collection.

Most played song?
最常放的歌是? “Teardrops” – Womack & Womack.
House music?
House对你来说? I’d be lost without it.
A song or artist that made you want to make music?
哪首歌或哪位音乐家让你想要做音乐? Prince.

Reckless Republic?
你们的派对Reckless Republic怎么样? Spice. Family and one of my favourite places to DJ in Sydney.
你的小名是? RL.
Key to your creative process?
你创作灵感来自哪里? Positivity, the ocean, surfing, and regular surf trips.
Favourite place to eat in Sydney?
悉尼最喜欢的餐厅? Jipang at Manly beach – I spend a lot of time here!
Best Sydney staple food? 悉尼最好吃的什么? Anything and everything.
Top 3 DJs of all time? 心目中最好的3位DJ是? Danny Howells, Sasha, John Digweed, and James Zabiela. (Sorry that’s 4.)
James Zabiela?
James Zabiela怎么样? Great and super talented human.
Super long sets?
你的超长马拉松DJ SET怎么样? My favourite! I love taking people on a journey with music.
我非常喜欢做超长的DJ SET,我喜欢带领人群经历那样的听觉旅行。
Essential thing you’ve learned about the industry?
你在音乐行业中学习到的最重要的是什么? To be true to yourself and others.
Best gig ever?
最好的演出? My 8-hour (20-year anniversary) set at Spice in 2014. Was a heavenly moment!
那是2014年我在Spice的八小时超长DJ SET,那是一场天堂般的经历。
Track of the moment?
“Put A Jack On It” – ILO.
+ what would you do if you saw a yeti in your basement?
如果你在地下室遇上YETI雪人你会怎么办? Make sure I get a pic for Instagram, then probably run!