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Didi Han 的乐风充满了 Hip-hop 与 R&B 元素,她在首尔的音乐现场总是人头攒动。身为韩国地下音乐圈的标志性人物之一,其在 Boiler Room 上与 Yann Cavaille 的合作成为个人音乐生涯一大高光时刻。由她创办的 Deluxe Seoul 派对以 Deluxe Soile 名字被人熟知,吸引来了像 Jarreau Vandal、Goosebumps 等人登台。在 Didi Han 明日登台 Le Baron 之前,我们与她聊了聊音乐创作与生涯。

Didi Han is packing out clubs with infectious hip hop and r&b in Seoul, and there's no doubt she'll do the same in the Middle Kingdom. Focused on the underground scene in Korea as its getting more significant and more diverse, her Boiler Room mix with Yann Cavaille was a landmark for the establishment making its first appearance in the city. From her parties Deluxe Seoul, once known as Deluxe Soile, Didi Han breaks boundaries in the scene playing with the likes of Jarreau Vandal, Goosebumps, and more. Here's a quick chit-chat before the Seoul selector makes her Shanghai debut with Yeti Out at Le Baron Shanghai. Support from Tom Yeti and DJ Raimu. 


The underground scene in Korea? 


Music genres have become more subdivided so there are more options for people to enjoy.  The underground scene offers techno club, house and so on, as opposed to only EDM which flooded the club scene before.

现在的音乐种类变得越来越细具化,这给了人们更多的选择。例如 techno club、house 都颇具人气。不像之前 Club 里只可以听到 EDM。

Your first Boiler Room set? 

你第一次 Boiler Room 演出?

It felt like I was dreaming. It was the first time that the Boiler Room team came to  Seoul. Before, I never would have imagined I would do an event like that. We started our set with Ryan Hemsworth - How It Felt and finished with Marcioz - Love Me, Tender

像是在做梦一样。而那也是 Boiler Room 第一次来到首尔。我从没奢望过像那样的音乐现场可以来到韩国。我们以 Ryan Hemsworth 的《How It Felt》歌曲开场,以 Marcioz 的《Love Me,Tender》结尾。

Deluxe Soile?

Deluxe Soile itself was first founded by two of our members, Julian and Yann. They were tired of the general Seoul club scenes and wanted to create something different and new. So far we’ve achieved a lot and we’ll keep on working to spread good vibes and host the best parties - Deluxe Seoul. 

Deluxe Soile 最起初由我们的两个成员 Julian 与 Yann 创立。他们已经厌倦了首尔 Club 的音乐,迫切希望创造出新的东西。因此,我们不遗余力地承办最棒的音乐派对,这就是 Deluxe Seoul 的理念。

Track of the moment?


Essential thing you've learned about the industry? 


Focus on myself. Do what I love. Share the things that I’ve created.


A song or artist that made you want to make music?


Sam Gellaitry 

Most absurd Instagram DM?

最无奈的 Instagram 私信?

Marry me ! 


Key to your creative process? 


Making sure my workspace is clean before I start. 


Top 3 designers of all time?


Jonathan Anderson

Hussein Chalayan

Ando Tadao

Best gig ever? 


The last Peach Party. (This is the party Blanche and I host every two months at Soap club in Seoul).

上一次的 Peach 派对。(我和 Blanche 每两个月会在首尔的 Soap Club 举办一次) 

What would you do if you saw a yeti in your basement?


Make it my new pet.



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